The Blind Loon

The Blind Loon

a bestiary
written Ed Shacklee
illustrated by Russ Spitkovsky

Now Available for Order from Able Muse Press

Full-length collection of original poetry from Ed Shacklee, now available for pre-order from Able Muse Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Foyles, and other online and offline bookstores worldwide.



    The Blind Loon - a bestiary
          written by Ed Shacklee     
          illustrated by Russ Spitkovsky
    Paperback ~ $19.95

    (Able Muse Press, September 2017)
    116 pages (paperback)
    ISBN 978-1-927409-87-9 (paperback)

    The Blind Loon - a bestiary - Hardcover Edition
          written by Ed Shacklee     
          illustrated by Russ Spitkovsky
    Hardcover ~ $29.95
    (Able Muse Press, September 2017)
    116 pages (hardcover)
    ISBN 978-1-77349-004-5 (hardcover)

    In his impressive bestiary, The Blind Loon, Ed Shacklee shows as keen an insight into the nature of the beast roaming free as into the beast within. This encyclopedic collection includes the commonplace python, monkey, crocodile, tortoise, camel; the mythical kraken, lamia, chimera, wyvern; the prehistoric ankylosaurus; the fantastical logorrhea, mope, snub, hipster. Shacklee doles out marvels, mischief and hilarity in The Blind Loon, and the breathtaking illustrations of Russ Spitkovsky provide an accompanying visual feast that are by themselves worth the price of admission.


    A Fog of Blurbs

    Their plumage is a sheen of words whose meanings are the same—
    inveigling, too often heard, obnoxious birds, but tame,
    their mewling call is pecks of praise without one speck of blame.

    Indifferent if they foul their nests or poop rains on the rabble,
    garrulously gathered on the garret eaves of Babel,
    they preen as they pontificate on arts in which they dabble,

    for truth goes out the window when the Blurbs fly into town;
    a mist of cloying tidings, thought essential to renown,
    their beaks grow long and longer and are uniformly brown.



    Ed Shacklee, whose poetry has appeared in the Able Muse, Light, and Rattle among other journals, is a public defender who represents young people. He lives on a boat in the Potomac River. The Blind Loon is his first full-length collection.


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